Acqua Colonia White Peach & Coriander fragrance notes

    • White peach, Coriander

Where to buy Acqua Colonia White Peach & Coriander by 4711

Latest Reviews of Acqua Colonia White Peach & Coriander

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"Peach & Coriander" is a successful attempt to create a peach scent. But not a juicy peach. It smells like unpeeled peaches. If we know that no essential oil can be extracted from peaches naturally, we appreciate this perfume more. P&C is fresh and safe, but two issues annoy me about this perfume; first, it's somewhat monotonous and stagnant. and it may bore you after a few minutes. second, the poor quality raw materials used in it. Not that it smells irrelevant, I mean the notes irritate the nose a bit and aren't soft.
7th November 2021