Brazil Nut Eau de Toilette fragrance notes

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Latest Reviews of Brazil Nut Eau de Toilette

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Picked this up for $5 yesterday in what's best described as a lapse of judgment. Utterly hideous ethyl maltol and sickly vanillin cocktail from hell. Nauseatingly sweet and totally devoid of nuance, it smells a bit like "chocolate" syrup merged with plastic. It's the kind of scent that makes you want to slam your head against a wall until you lose consciousness.
29th December 2014
The opening is coffee and vanilla and slightly synthetic.The drydown reminds me very much of the top notes of Prada Candy and is quite delicious. Not bad for a cheap thrill but I am disappointed as I do not get any nutty notes which I was looking for in this fragrance.
31st March 2014