Cherry Blossom fragrance notes

    • cherry blossom

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CHERRY BLOSSOM (Bourbon French)

Wikipedia tells us that only a very few varieties of the cherry tree blossom actually have scent, described as very faint combinations of lilac, rose, vanilla and almond. Unfortunately, the distilled oil of the cherry blossom is scentless, so the “effect” has to be manufactured in the perfume laboratory, using ingredients such as linalool (an aroma of rose and citrus), and terpineol, derived from pine resin or petitgrain (lilac). I must confess that I have never smelled cherry blossoms, so my impressions can't be gauged by the memory of direct experience.

Bourbon French's Cherry Blossom is a very soft, light scent, almost evanescent, which manages to capture a rose/vanilla accord that is most pleasing to my nose. I am grateful there seems to be no almond present, which can be so strong in and of itself, that it takes over anything it is added to. Cherry Blossom lays close to the skin with very little projection.

I consider this unisex and a perfect scent for warm weather, giving a bright floral aurora, without being heavy or cloying. As such, it fits into the current world preference for perfumes and colognes that merely suggest scent in passing.

Recommended for the modern audience who prefer impressions of scent to the actual scent itself.

4th December 2020