Dominica Bay Rum Lime fragrance notes

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Latest Reviews of Dominica Bay Rum Lime

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Nice, proper bay rum, but with a twist. It's that unmistakable mix of sugary bay tree oil and clove, made just a touch meaty with kitchen herbs (there may be oregano, basil, or something in here that's making me think of food). I think the kitchen herbs are, in a way, taking the place that's usually occupied by upfront clary sage in a traditional bay rum formula, making Dominica Lime smell more like something's cooking instead of the round tea-ish smell most bay rums have.

I honestly don't smell lime. My guess is that it's just brightening everything up.

I quite like the way the herbal elements are used here. It smells like a proper marinara or something slowly steaming on a stove, while the sweet clove reminds me of Christmas, so this evokes a happy aura of cooking with family. That being said, this may be a touch too quirky for some purists, but it's definitely a thumbs up from me.
23rd September 2020