Byredo have created a limited edition box for the fragrance Mister Marvelous in tribute to Christiaan Houtenbos. A collection of 200 orange limited edition Mister Marvelous, 100ml Eau de Parfum have been signed personally by Christiaan Houtenbos. Byredo’s Ben Gorham says of Houtenbos:[INDENT=2]Born of humble origins, of a rural Holland barbershop family. Made international through a turn in the Dutch marines, by way of a stint decades ago on the not quite yet glamorous island of Aruba. There he first encountered important heads and their hair, governors and captains of industry, and their wives…. In his 20s he ran the Bergdorf salon at a time when such a job meant everything. And from there his rise saw no end.Coiffure is a singular art. Unlike paint or clay, this medium is alive, continuously growing. If in its concernwith shape, it is most like architecture, then it is most similar to building castles out of sand. Every creationmelts as it grows out, as if washed away by the ocean’s waves.Marvelous is a grand word, is it not? As it rolls off the tongue, it feels quite like it means. And it has history;France’s post-revolutionary dandies called their equally exquisite ladies Les Marveileuses. Marvelous means wonderful, exquisite, and astonishing. With a bit of strangeness as well as indicated by the old Latin mirabilis. A marvelous thing must be strange in that it must be like nothing else.Photographs litter his home, thousands of little moments. Odd and wonderful. Vacations. Pottery he has pot-ted (another organic art shaped by one’s hands). Scraps of paper with poetry he has penned (the outpouring of a more primal expressive drive). Of course, stylish hairdos. Bobs chopped asymmetrically. Scalps shaved inodd ways. The very first undercut.We celebrate all of this. Because when things are just a bit a off kilter, a littletwisted or turned in shape, they become that much more interesting. Such qualities are prima facie for a thingto be called marvelous. For a man to be called Mr. Marvelous.Our hats off to the one and only Christiaan.Notes for the scent include: Carrot, Pimento Berries, Tahitian Vanilla Flower, Laurier Rose, Glycine, Tiger Orchid, Sandalwood and Vanilla Bean.The limited edition box is exclusive to Liberty in the UK and select Byredo retailers globally.
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