Mirra (Myrrh) fragrance notes

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Latest Reviews of Mirra (Myrrh)

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Myrrhe galore! With amber!

Myrrhe from begonning to end. It is a lovely herbal note, at times with hints of a woodsy undertone, and combined with an amber impression that is impressive indeed.

What pervails throughout is the myrrhe-amber duo. At times a whiffs of woods are added, with a soft and restrained smoky-powdery undertone that sometimes also expressed mildly resinous characteristics.

I get strong sillage, excellent projection and a splendid longevity of fourteen hours on my skin.

At times this autumnal scent is a bit linear, nut otherwise it is very impressive. This is mainly due to the beautiful quality of the first-class natural ingredients, which are well-blended. A great example of a myrrhe-amber creation. 3.75/5.
2nd December 2016