Morning Glory fragrance notes

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Where to buy Morning Glory by Calgon

Latest Reviews of Morning Glory

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This is a wonderful fragrance and it comes as a body mist. You can buy it for under 10$. My ex girlfriend wore it and her skin always smelled very nice, for hours after she would put it on. Since it's a body mist, it's something you can apply liberally over your skin so that your whole body will smell nice, especially up close.I have no idea what the notes are, but I give this a thumbs up because it smells very nice.
2nd June 2009
A breath of fresh air? Not to me. This is one of few perfumes that actually makes me sneeze. I don't feel uplifted, I feel like coughing. I don't know what a morning glory blossom smells like, but surely not like bitter dendelions and hair spray.
5th April 2006