Xiuhtecuhtli fragrance notes

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Latest Reviews of Xiuhtecuhtli

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A BPAL that approaches subtle... for a BPAL. Xiuhtecuhtli was the Aztec god of opposites: life after death, warmth in cold, light in dark… The scent has a soft, creamy feel to it - a well blended feminine platform of texture more than individualization. The notes in the fragrance are a soft white floral and sweet, sweet orange that contrast their sweet creamy earthbound notes to a sheer smoky accord made up of a slightly spicy soft incense. It's a pleasant, feminine fragrance that rather fits the image of contrasts of the god Xiuhtecuhtli... sweet creamy orange basing a the smoky, spicy incense. I should love this fragrance, but I don't. While I do like it, I think its softness calls for more complexity and a little less sweetness.
17th October 2008